New Kitten

Oh, HERE they are. What's his name? I love the coloring.
Oh, HERE they are. What's his name? I love the coloring.

Yuminosuke. (弓之佐)
Picked out by the wife, it's kind of an ancient/historical name.

More pics this weekend.

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Koul that post made me snort pretty loud. =D
I don't want to alarm you, Corvac, but have you looked into an exorcist for your dog?
heres my kitty Bucket (when he was a kitten):

my dogs Reggie and Jeremiah:

pictures arent funny but... whatev.
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lol Furax.

I really need to document some of things our Yumi does. We're usually just sitting there looking at him in shock with the positions or poses he winds up in.

After dinner time, 8pm for him, he cleans himself for about 30 minutes and then becomes a furball of light, darting up and down the stairs and hunting mystery objects. (our feet) He gets really wound up for about 1 hour, maybe 2 and then promptly passes out. I feed him before my morning shower (around 8am) then he plays for a bit before passing out again.
it was either Bucket or Omelette. to be honest there was no rationale behind either name. I also have a female cat that is tortiseshell/calico named Cookie (because she looks like cookie dough and is very sweet-mannered) however I cant find any good pictures at the moment.

Reggie is my exes dog that I ended up with and I hate his name, it's short for Reginald. Jeremiah was NOT named after that stupid Three Dog Knight song, I get so tired of hearing "he dont look like no bullfrog hurgadurgadurr." Most of the time he goes by Jerry. but he also is known as: Jer, Jer-Bear, Jer-Jer, J.B., Jer-Bones, Jay, Numb Nuts, and Get-the-fuck-off-me-Im-trying-to-sleep. but he is daddy's lil furbaby:
Ramirez has a similar period of hyperactivity, but after he uses the litter-box. She said he's running away from the poop ghosts. I believe her.
I've been trying to find a maine coon, ragdoll, or ragamuffin kitten to adopt. I haven't had much luck, though. Ramirez is the aloof type and I want a clingy lap cat for those times when I want affection from a furball.