Financial Freedom


Kitteh's Meow
It has been obtained...

For most of my entire life post 18 years of age, I had some type of debt whether it be a car, mortgage, credit card, student loan or some other totally useless debt.

As of today, I paid the last payment to my American credit card. :icecream:

I now have 0 debt with a nice surplus of cash in the bank.

The feeling of being free of any 'real' debt is just indescribable. :)

I'm not rich by any means, but not paying interest on ANYTHING allows me to put away more savings each month in which then I can make some smart future investments.

Since moving to Japan 3 years ago next month, I've shed the average American daily usage of plastic whether it be a credit card or debit card... cash is king and it's certainly a good feeling to pay cash for everything you want to buy. I have one Japanese visa gold card, but I have it set up as a charge card so that the entire balance is paid each month automatically from my bank account. (for FFXI, webservers, cell phone etc.)

Anyway, just wanted to share this great feeling! :D :D
Congratulations Aa!

I have a looong rode of debt ahead of me, thank you college!
What's completely sad, is I don't want to even begin to calculate the amount of interest I've paid since I was 18.

It's easily something north of $60,000 (16 year calculation)

One thing I don't envy, people getting out of college now, saddled with loans. For a large perenctage of those people, it will take a long time get a decent job with an above average pay grade to begin repaying those loans. :( Lets not talk about a home, car, families... etc. Crazy.

For me, it was a lot of scrimping and saving to get to this point. Even though I made a massive life change and retained some comforts... I still scrimped in other areas where I could. Had I not played FFXI or had webservers over the years... yeah, I know... could have paid everything faster. ;)

Side Story: Friend has a Visa credit card bill of about $9,000 (with a 15k limit), current interest rate is something like 25%. In his last statement, they had one of those "If only pay the minimum each month..." It said "It will take you 30 years to pay off your credit card and will cost you ~$30k to do so, IF you only pay the minimum each month." That was a sober reminder as to why I was getting out of debt.
Lol. I'm just glad I only have one credit card, and only a $300 limit on it. Paying off a car loan as well, of course. Only $10k though.

Still always broke as hell lol. Plus I really hate my job these days...
Grats AA! yup, im one of those poor college kids about to graduate...
