Starcraft 2


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FC/Active Member
Is anyone part of the starcraft 2 beta? If so what's your name, maybe we can set up a custom match against each other. I'm absolutely terrible, so maybe you can even teach me a thing or two. :)
i hope this game will be all that it is hyped to be...

Well if you're expecting a completely different game then you might be disappointed. It's basically Starcraft with completely updated graphics, physics, AI, etc. Not all the units and buildings are the same of course but from what I've played of it so far they've done a really good job of making sure that everything that made the original game so good is still good.
I'm no Starcraft fan (RTS doesn't appeal to me) but have you ever seen those Koreans play for their competitions? I've never seen anyone so focused on a video game before... Nor have I seen fingers move so fast. It's almost not human..

I guess it's like a sport to them, except it can't be healthy at all..
But then again, neither can being addicted to FFXI(V) or any other MMORPG for that matter :)

But yea, those crazy Koreans are insane when it comes to their Starcraft.
I remember reading a story awhile back about some Korean that died (due to health issues) from playing Starcraft for too long...
I'm going to regret this...because you're going to kill me, badly. But I'm in. I'm Onyxium on there, though I haven't logged in for a while because I'm so ashamed and there's not much in the way of even matchmaking. Let me know when you log on and we can duke it
Actually, I'm not that good :(


The matchmaking can be a problem, but it's partly because they reset the servers too often for it to be able to correctly establish everyone's true skill. Once the real game starts, after a month or so the rankings will be better established and the system should be more accurate. That's the theory anyway.

What's your last name on there? It should be like Onyxium.xxxxx. I can't add you unless I know the full name, or your email address.